A Surprising Employee Morale Booster - That's Completely Free!

In typical performance management plans, what seems to be commonly included is the practice of 1/1s - individual performance check-ins. If conducted well, they certainly can be positive and constructive. But what do we do to nurture positive connections and morale boosters in between those times?

The last e-coach provided a great breakdown of commonly used terms related to employee rewards and recognition. We recommended that you use that as a checklist to ensure you are achieving the most you can in Block 8 of the Distinct Leader Blueprint - Morale Maintenance.

It's such an important topic and continual need, and I think one that is still taken severely for granted, so I wanted to follow up with one more idea sure to make a difference.

In typical performance management plans, what seems to be commonly included is the practice of 1/1s - individual performance check-ins. If conducted well, they certainly can be positive and constructive. But what do we do to nurture positive connections and morale boosters in between those times?

Today's Coaching Tip: Do random, spontaneous connections asking how they are with no reference to "performance", but checking in on how they just as a human being.

And, in this hybrid environment for many, there are a variety of ways to do this: note on the desk at the office, by text, or email, or even for those tech-savvy managers, a simple video hello... or there is the option of old-school - a note by snail mail.

In the last e-coach, I suggested the resource of Bob Nelson's trilogy of employee motivation, rewards, and engagement books for your professional library. I learned from studying his work, which included a lot of surveys, that the most popular & memorable motivator was a handwritten thank you note!

A simple hello, I'm thinking about you, a statement of appreciation can be extremely memorable and motivating.

Note: This month on YouTube, we'll be featuring a series on performance management and leader as coach. You can check out the opening video here - Demystifying Employee Performance Management.

Even if you miss one, just check the playlist for all the content associated with this theme. Be sure to like, comment and share. We'll see you there!