JoAnn Corley-Schwarzkopf's Distinct Leader Signature Masterclass

Transform your talent into measurable value with JoAnn's 4-week Masterclass

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As a LinkedIn Learning Educator, I've had the privilege of seeing thousands of professionals take my courses on managing employee performance problems.

But there's one huge topic I couldn't fit into my LinkedIn Learning courses that I wish I had time for. That one topic is helping you become a distinct leader. Being a distinct leader involves making the best decisions in leading and managing people, so you can be positioned for 2 key things:

  1. The best career advancement, and
  2. Creating opportunities to maximize financial compensation

So here's the missing puzzle piece you won't find anywhere else:

The Human Capital Quotient

It's got a fancy name, but the Human Capital Quotient simply refers to the ability to recognize, assess and calculate the cost of an individual and their behavioral impact to their team or organization.

We break the Human Capital Quotient down into 3 distinct phases:

  1. Recognize,
  2. Assess, and
  3. Calculate

To be a leader, advance your career, and maximize your financial compensation (or do the same for members of your team), you've got to Recognize the behavior, Assess the impact of the behavior, and Calculate the cost of the behavior.

How does this advance my career and make me more money?

We'll dive into the Human Capital Quotient in great detail in the Masterclass. For now, let's uncover why the model is vitally important, and explain how it unlocks success for your career and compensation.

First, you've got to understand that the Human Capital Quotient is all about understanding and taking action on behavior.

What's so important about behavior? Simple. Everything is about behavior. No matter where you work or who you or your employees are, behavior is everything. Yet sadly, very few leaders know how to work with behavior and see and measure the financial impact of behavior (positive or negative).

For that reason, a LOT of money is wasted in business operations. Poor decisions are made, critical decisions are delayed, and toxic environments slowly fester.

Without the ability to recognize behavior (and do something about it), it makes leading and managing people much harder than it needs to be. It's kind of like self-inflicted pain.

So, your ability to read and financially measure the impact of behavior will clearly distinguish you in a way that no other leadership or management training can do. And, this Masterclass even qualifies for SHRM Continuing Education Credits!

Without a proper understanding of and how to use and apply the Human Capital Quotient, leaders perpetually make decisions that undermine the results they want! Instead, they continually work against themselves and others, delaying better profitability and results.

Wait! Don't make the same mistakes. You don't have to suffer.

What typical leaders do when working with behavior in the workplace:

  • They see people, not behavior
  • They don't take negative behavior seriously - it's overlooked
  • They don't know what to do when they see it
  • They don't see/understand the human, team, organization, client or customer impact and cost
  • They don't know how to financially calculate that impact
  • And because of everything above, they don't have a timely response

With this Masterclass, you'll build a strong understanding of how to use and apply the RACE Model in your own career or workplace, elevating yourself as a valuable business partner, no matter your role.

With our Masterclass, you'll become a value-based leader that:

  • Understands how behavior in yourself and others impacts the company's bottom line
  • Takes negative behavior seriously, and knows how to handle it when you see it
  • Can measure and assess the human, team, organization, client, and customer impacts
  • Is equipped with strategic decision-making skills that very few people possess
  • Is in a position to earn maximize your earnings and advance your career

Our Signature Masterclass will enable you to:

  1. Learn to see behavior through a new lens
  2. Understand and document behavior's broad impact
  3. Learn how to financially measure behavior
  4. Have tools to measure and assess behavior on your own

Imagine having all this information at your fingertips when negotiating a promotion or a raise.

And if you're in a senior position as a leader or business owner, imagine all of your leaders and managers being able to do this!

Q: Can you really measure the impact of behavior? (Click me!)

A: Yes, you can! Did you know that US managers waste an average of 34 days per year dealing with underperformance?

Senior executives claim they spend seven weeks a year (or over an hour per day) managing badly performing employees.

Overall, the US is devoting some $105 billion a year on correcting problems associated with poor hiring and people management practices. Seriously!

If you're ready to start measuring the impact of behavior, enroll in our Signature Masterclass today. You can also sit in on one session for free, and get a copy of my book Show Me The Money as a thank you for joining.

Of all the leadership and management training I've conducted over the years, I consider this to be the most important, least understood area of training which provides both the greatest short and long term value.

Become a Distinct Leader, add the Human Capital Quotient to your toolkit, and enroll in this one-of-a-kind Masterclass!

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Signature Masterclass

4-Week Hands-On Virtual Masterclass - $850

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If you would like to enroll your entire department, management team or other group of 3 or more individuals, email us and take advantage of volume discounts of as much as 20% off our standard price. Plus, enjoy flexible payment options and pay via purchase order.

Not quite ready to commit? Join our platform for free and get an invite to our next Masterclass Preview where we walk through an example scenario and measure an individual's financial impact to their business.

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